Saturday, July 31, 2010

Biological Artifact Collection

Here is a picture of an egg. An amniotic egg is the type of egg produced by reptiles, birds, and prototherian (egg-laying) mammals (amniotes), in which the embryo develops inside an amnion. The shell of the egg is either calcium-based or leathery.
Modern arthropods include insects like the fly shown in the picture, spiders, centipedes, shrimp, and crayfish. All arthropods are the descendents of a single common ancestor. Just as you and your biological cousins can trace your ancestry back to a common set of grandparents, all arthropods can trace their ancestry back to a common arthropod ancestor.

Fibrous carbohydrates are complex carbohydrates that come mostly from green vegetables like the one shown in the picture . These carbohydrates are rich in fiber and help the digestive process run smoothly. Fibrous carbohydrates are also a good source of minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals and other nutrients.
Cellulose is one of many polymers found in nature. Wood, like the one in the picture, paper, and cotton all contain cellulose. Cellulose is an excellent fiber. Wood, cotton, and hemp rope are all made of fibrous cellulose.

Lignin is a complex polymer, the chief noncarbohydrate constituent of wood, as shown in the picture, that binds to cellulose fibers and hardens and strengthens the cell walls of plants like the leaf of this picture.

an external covering or integument Arthropods are animals with exoskeletons (external skeletons), segmented bodies, and jointed legs. They are the largest group of animals on Earth and include insects, crustaceans, and arachnids. An example of an insect with an exoskeleton would bbe an ant, just as the 1 shown in the picture.

Here is a picture of a Conifer leaf. Conifers often feature cones (a variety of flower) and bear narrow leaves or needles designed to retain water. The crown (upper leaf-covered segment) of a conifer is also distinctive; it is generally pyramid-shaped and slender. Most conifers are evergreen.

This is a picture of a bird it is an example of an endotherm because it is an organism that generates heat to maintain its body temperature, typically above the temperature of its surroundings; a homeotherm.
The skin is an exaple of Epithelial tissue because it covers the whole surface of the body. Ephithelial tisue is made up of cells closely packed and ranged in one or more layers. This tissue is specialised to form the covering or lining of all internal and external body surfaces.
Fruits are the containers in which the plant puts its seeds. They are not all fruits as we think of them, but have many different forms. as shown in the picture, Some are fleshy with parts we like to eat, , some are dry, some are heavy and are designed to be dispersed by falling and rolling away from the parent plant, some have wings or fluffy tails to enable them to be caught by the wind to be dispersed.

enlarged basal portion of the pistil, the female organ of a flower. The ovary contains ovules, which develop into seeds upon fertilization. It will mature into a fruit, either dry and parchmentlike or fleshy, enclosing the seeds. The ovary of the flower is the swollen bottom part of the pistil

Keratin is formed by keratinocytes, living cells which make up a large part of skin, hair, nails (as shown in the picture), and other keratin containing parts of the body. The cells slowly push their way upwards, eventually dying and forming a protective layer of cells. Thousands of these cells are shed every day, and the process can be accelerated by various medical conditions, such as psoriasis. Damage to the external layer of keratin can cause skin, hair, and nails to look unhealthy or flaky.

this is a picture of wood the heartwood is l The older, nonliving central wood of a tree or woody plant, usually darker and harder than the younger sapwood. Also called duramen.

Here is a picture of a dog, fleas live in dogs and therefore it is a parasite. A Parasite is an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.
Here is a picture of a flower. The pollen is located in the center of the flower. Pollen is the fertilizing element of flowering plants, consisting of fine, powdery, yellowish grains or spores, sometimes in masses.

Here is a picture of a rose, roses have thorns which are  small sharp-pointed tips resembling a spike on a stem or leaf.
Pollinators are responsible for assisting over 80% of the world's flowering plants. Without them, humans and wildlife wouldn't have much to eat Animals that assist plants in their reproduction as pollinators include species of ants, bats, bees (as shown in the picutre), beetles, birds, butterflies, flies, moths, wasps, as well as other unusual animals.
This is a picture of a leaf its cuticle layer is the protective layer covering the outer cell layer of the green, aerial parts of land plants. Cuticles protect plants against dessication, UV radiation and various kinds of physical, chemical and (micro)biological agents.

An organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances, using light or chemical energy. Green plants like the one shown in the picture, algae, and certain bacteria are autotrophs.

Here is a picture of a stem nd its leaves the vascular plant tissue extends from the roots to leaves. Vascular tissue consists of xylem and phloem. These two types of vessels run side-by-side. They provide channels for the transport of water and nutrients.